Carpet Cleaning

If there was ever a time to take care of what you have, it’s now. For many of us caught in the current wave of economic uncertainty, the thought of having to replace expensive carpeting, even  a few years from now, is bracing. Yet most people do little to maintain what they have right now.

One reason is they just don’t know better.  I’ve had people tell me that walking on a carpet is what wears it out. In fact, abrasive soil has to be present for foot traffic to wear out the carpet. And it’s present in the everyday comings and goings in your house.  Like sandpaper, the sand and grit in soiled carpet fibers initially dull the look of the carpet. But eventually this abrasive soil will destroy the fibers themselves if not removed through cleaning.
Improved Air Quality In Your Home

Do you feel stuffed up more often in the winter? Endure more frequent colds and generally feel lousy?    Does the air start to smell stale?

Pollutants in the air filter through your carpet. The carpet traps them so you don’t breathe them over and over. But what happens when that trap gets full?  Your family starts breathing dust mite debris, pollens, pollutants, fungus, spores, bacteria and a long list of other really gross stuff. Once your carpets’ natural filtering ability gets full, it is time for a thorough cleaning for your health’s sake.

Think about how often you clean the vinyl or tile floor in your kitchen.  Can you imagine what it would look like if you let it go for a month? How about 6 months? A year?

Now carpeting does a terrific job of hiding dirt. The dirt goes down to the base of the fibers where you can’t see it.  But that doesn’t mean it’s not there.  So, at the risk of repeating myself; if you or your family feel lousy in the winter, it could be the air you’re breathing. The quality of that air can be greatly improved by having your carpets professionally cleaned.

The fact is, clean your carpets frequently, when traffic lanes first start to appear, and they will last longer, look better, and protect your family’s health.